some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Proud Bookworm

Today I received my first real bloggy award thingy (yes you read that right).  A big thank you to Laura at Under the sheets- shh (I wish my blog had her blogs name, I am so jealous).  Rules:  Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 46.  Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences.  The closest book, not the coolest, or the one you think will sound the best.  THE CLOSEST.

Being at work when I got the e-mail from Laura, I stood up (in a call center) and shouted " who has a book?"  I knew that I had no books as today I gave my five day notice at the current J-O-B.  My cubemate the great W happened to be reading, The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls.  I know nothing of this book as it is not mine... here goes.

"I guess," he said.
He never like to brag, but I could tell he was proud that he had taken on four bigger, tougher kids, even if they were girls. 
" Lettuce war!" Brian shouted  He tossed a half eaten head at me like a grenade.  We ran along the rows, pulling up heads and throwing them at each other.

Thank you to Laura and the great W.  Now go check out Under the Sheets - SHHH, and read it from the start, no cheating.

Now the hard part:

Fluffycat at The next third
Jest at  Tea Tales

Get over to these blogs and check em out.  Trust me you will like it. Go ahead. Trust me.


Mike said...

Hi PJ,

Thanks for the award! That is too cool! Appreciate it big time!

ÄsK AliCë said...

Awesome, sounds like fun! Thanks!

Fluffycat said...

Thanks. I just posted mine!

Laura said...

Ahhh shucks PJ thank you for the love. So glad that I made you stand up at work and yell out. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Awww PJ thanks for this, really appreciate don't know how excited this has made me!