some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I am not a good silk screener

So here is a little bit more about PJ. Wifey, myself and a good friend sort of have a silk screen business. Sort of meaning that this is pretty much my idea and my baby. Now the problem occurs when I do not put in the time needed to make this work. Just yesterday I made some shirts for a friend. The job was a bit of a rush, and let's say I missed one big important step. Making sure the right colors were on the right shirts. Go figure. The artwork looks great, the shirts look great. I just printed one group with the colors and group name on the front that should be on the other shirt and vice versa. Last night was a long night to prep screens, burn screens, tape screens, and even clean screens. I will get them done, but it cost me precious moments with the family. And for some reason I only make stupid big time blunders on jobs for friends. I think I stress about these jobs more, so sometimes I miss the small things. Ugh, another day another lost profit, and a little less time.

I am not even gonna mention the flipping snow today in Philly. I mean seriously it isn't even Thanksgiving. Its going to be a long winter.

Sent via BlackBerry


Jess said...

I'm always impressed with people that manage to multi-task as well as you seem to!! And I know what you mean about the snow. I swear I got a brain freeze this morning just from the wind. It's going to be a VERY long winter!!

Fluffycat said...

Yikes on the snow. I'll be glad to avoid that this winter.