some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

When its cold...

The best thing to do is hit the mall! Well sort of. Mommy had to go out tonight, and having learned his lesson from last week daddy decided to pull a distraction technique. Check a few things out at the mall, go to the pet store to see the puppies and bunnies. Grab a smoothie, a special treat, and also take a quick look at some treadmills and wii games. We stayed out a bit late and even bumped into some friends. We got home hit the potty read a lot of books and then went to bed. Actually, went to bed so smooth that it kind of freaked me out. I put the beans in her crib, blanket tucked, and she said mommy once, daddy once and was out cold. Holy schnickies. I walked out of her room, took two steps and turned around, went back in and woke her up. That's what parents do. We get nervous, luckily she feel back asleep quickly.

Running a bit late to work this am, hence I am sitting in more traffic than usual. Which means more time to blog! On my way to work I see two gas stations that are out of business. How the heck does that happen? Everyone needs gas, everyone. And people drive all over the place to get it cheaper than somewhere else. I know location, location, location. How hard is it to drop your price a bit and sell more. Bad suppliers and bad buyers I guess. And these places are pretty good locations.
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Jess said...

That is one of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen!! What a cutie.

Anonymous said...

Aww she is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lovely smoothie!

LBluca77 said...

Ok seriously she is the cutest little girl ever!!