some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday

one again,  Tova at The fabulous life of Tova Darling started all of this... 

And  we are off...

When I was a little tike, very little, well sorta little.  I would have to say early grade school.  Young enough to have a friend who was my age, and she was a she.  my parents were great friends with her parents, hence we hung out a lot.  She and I were the same age and lets say curious about each other, as in the differences between young girls and young boys.  One year my grade school teachers decided to strike and I had lots of time off from school, actually we both had time off from school.  Her mommy didn't work so I spent a lot of time at her house, and sometimes she stayed at my house.  We always had babysitters around and big brothers and big sisters and parents, yet we had a little private time.   I just remember being a little curious boy and little curious girl together all the time.  Some would call it ' playing doctor ' or whatever it is that kids do.  Fast forward about 14 or 16 years our parents drifted apart, and so did we.  My mom and I were walking into a very big well known pet store in the Philly area and who do we bump in to on their way out?  Her and her mom!  She was all grown up, and smokin hot!  Here I am a way too cool for himself teenager, and I of course was a very smooth young man.  Upon seeing her and all of her grown up beauty and development, I couldn't even form words to say anything.  I said nothing.  I awkwardly mumbled something that was incoherent, and looked at the floor for a bit.  All that I could think about was wow, I played doctor with her.  Once they left, I asked my mom if I said anything cool.  She promptly said no, and we were on our way.


Jess said...

Haha! I love how honest your Mom was. Nothing cool. That's a great story!

Anonymous said...

LOL! How very smooth of you.

Anonymous said...


I usually have an opposite experience when I meet guys from way back when. They always end up a lot grosser than I remember.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I love your mum's prompt response...nothing like a bit of honesty!