some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Nothing like a trip to the NICU (neonatal infant care unit) to put things give me som perspective. We all get caught up with our every day BS, myself included. I worry about and complain about scrapping ice on my windshield in the morning, daily BS that really means nothing comes to the forefront. I get confused about all of these thoughts racing around my brain and how the hell am I going to make all of these ideas work. I went to visit my niece on new years day and I stood in the midst of premie babies. I stood in silence for a brief second, said a quick prayer for all of them and all of us. I always hear the saying ' don't sweat the small stuff'. Much easier said than done my friends. I know that I need a jolt from time to time, a little reminder to say thank you for all that I have. I am rich beyond words when it comes to family and friends. It is a new year filled with opportunity, nothing but a clean slate in front of us.. Make it happen, be the person you want to be. I will try as well, yet I know I will need some reminders along the way.
Sent via BlackBerry


Jess said...

You're absolutely right. I am very guilty of sweating the small stuff, thanks for this reminder of the bigger things in life. I hope your niece is doing alright!

LBluca77 said...

I hope everything is ok with your niece.

I do agree, sometimes we need that reminder to not sweat the small stuff. Sometimes it can be hard though.

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