some ideas and random thought streams. nothing more than me being bored and having the ability to post. i try to keep it simple. not much politics nor religion.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rough week!

This week has been a pretty rough one as far as things happening that are out of my control. A few sales people at work were ' let go'. A few of which I had become pretty cool with, and was looking to get to know better. One day you have a room full of occupied cubes and the next day sit empty cubes where your friends once sat. It is a weird feeling. It stinks that this economy is putting the screws to so many people. And the past few weeks a friend of mine has been having a rough patch in his marriage. Well, maybe it has been a rough 6 months or so yet I have really only been in the loop for a few weeks. I wish I could explain the drain that it has been on me, to be a supportive friend, someone to listen, to be there, I am emotionally spent. I could not even imagine what he feels like. I could never walk in his shoes. Yet, as spent as I am, I certainly will be there for him in his time of need. As spent as I am I will answer every phone call return every text, and have a house full of open doors. I just can not imagine nor do I ever want to imagine what he has on his plate right now.

On a lighter note. You sure can't beat the beans on her new bike. Complete with helmut and cape. Who doesn't need a dish towel cape to wear on bike rides? A cape just turns a regular bike ride into a super bike ride!
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Anonymous said...

I know what it's like to be the supportive friend. It's very draining, but you just do it.

That is such a cute pic of Beans!:)

Anonymous said...

Aw I really would like one of those capes to go with my bike!